Welcome to the Bradbury Family Web Site
Michael, Elaine, Mia and Andrew
San Diego, California, USA

(Cavanagh-Gahan, O'Brien-Gray, Wigg, Lanigan)

Take a look around to learn about our family history, lineage, see where we have been around the world, and look at pictures / videos.

Bradbury Family Motto
"Aequitas actionum regula"
"Let equity be the rule of our actions"

"It is indeed a desirable thing to be well descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors"  - Plutarch.

"Desde ya que nuestro deseo es formar parte de una buena decendencia, pero la gloria pertenece a nuestros antepasados"

Design and content created by Michael Bradbury (E-mail)
Updated April 18, 2021 - V3.1-14